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Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting

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Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting Is taken from CMI level 6 and renders a comprehensive summary of the process of procurement in an organisation. Procurement refers to a significant function in any business which includes acquiring services and goods from outside sources. The main emphasis of this unit is on the strategic management in activities of procurement which include contracting supplier management and purchasing. Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting paves the topic that includes procurement sourcing, planning, evaluation and selection of suppliers, contract administration and contract negotiation.

Effective purchasing processes and control can assist the organisation in reducing cost, managing the risk level in the supply chain and maintaining quality. Needless expenses, wastes and harmful risk levels exposure may outcome apart from them. On the other hand, a contract refers to an agreement between the organisation and another party which generates a right, obligation and liability. Contract management refers to a process of execution managing contract creation, and analysis to increase financial and operation performance at the organisation as well as reduce the financial risk aspect.

Students will acquire regarding the ethical and legal procurement considerations. In addition, the students will also learn about the versatile procurement methods utilised in both private and public sectors. At the end of the Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting in CMI level 6, the student will be able to equipped with skills and knowledge that are important for effective management activities of procurement. In addition, the students will be able to analyse and form the contracts of their organisations. This course is tailored for the professionals working in supply chain and procurement management as well as the individuals who pertain to speed including operations, finance and project management.

Objective of Unit

The potential to contract purchase and procure services goods and items of capital effectively is significant with a great paramount for the organisation to be successful. This understanding and knowledge are invaluable for leaders and professional managers. It possesses the ability and power to increase operational and strategic planning, decision making and useful submission of results within the commercial constraints. It is crucial to understand the terms “purchasing” and “procurement” interpreted diversely and our reliance on the category of organisation. Due to that Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting is designed for leaders and managers to analyse the objectives of business through professional, ethical and competent contracting, procurement and purchasing practices.

Learning Outcomes

The Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting has learning outcomes which are tailored to make the learners skilful in analysing the strategic activity which will be underpinned through contracting and purchasing. Following are the learning outcomes of Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting:

LO1: Understand the principles of procurement, purchasing, and contracting within organisational contexts

The main emphasis of learning outcome 1 in Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting is on the factors that influence contracting, purchasing and procurement. This includes some internal as well as external factors. The internal factors include the skills and information of the people for purchasing contracting and procurement. Moreover, the external factors include technology trends, legal framework, emerging technology and digitalisation regulations. In terms of the context of organisation, the requirements are governance and purpose which include private, public or third sector. Learning outcome 1 also forms affiliation between organisation purchases and strategic procurement that include risk management, policy management, finance, governance, interaction with program and project manager, etc.

LO2: Know how to apply the principles of procurement, purchasing and contracting to achieve an operational requirement

The learning outcome 2 of Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting is comprised of the proposals for managing the bidding and tender process that optimise the closed and open bids. Some of the required and displaceable terms and learning outcomes include cost and Finance information including Price in structure standard pricing as well as quantities, bulk buying, open book, commodities trading, etc. with assessment and evaluation including the involvement of a stakeholder for example external or internal. The procedure to submit the proposal includes EDI “electronic Data Interface” including procurement and purchasing the strategy. The optimisation of computerised or manual procurement of operation and process of purchasing that include commercial systems including Oracle, SAGE, and SAP. The approaches of contract management in learning outcomes to develop or manage the affiliated relationship among particular vendors or suppliers, setting the goals of performance for example KPIs.

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria of Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting is comprised of the learning outcomes. The assessment criteria of Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting are provided underneath:

LO1: Understand the principles of procurement, purchasing, and contracting within organisational contexts

  • 1.1 Critically appraise the factors impacting procurement, purchasing, and contracting
  • 1.2 Critically assess the interrelationship between strategic procurement and operational purchasing
  • 1.3 Investigate how the application of procurement and purchasing processes can be utilised to achieve strategic objectives

LO2: Know how to apply the principles of procurement, purchasing and contracting to achieve an operational requirement

  • 2.1 Develop a proposal to manage the tender and bidding process to meet a specified operational requirement
  • 2.2 Recommend the type of contract required to meet a specified operational requirement
  • 2.3 Propose an approach to contract management to achieve an operational requirement

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All in all, Unit: 607 Procurement, Purchasing and Contracting emphasizes the learning of students regarding the skills which assist them to work in learning and development. If you want to as your marks then get our assistance.

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